Birth of FoodNURD

My friends, a foodNURD walks among you and I am her.  I have decided to start a food-themed blog which can be found here: Failingtherorchachtest is still fully functional! I have a book review post in the pipeline and a other ideas are percolating.

I will be populating foodNURD with recipes, pictures, dinner party disasters (and successes!), food-related posts, restaurant reviews and anything else my nurdly brain can think up. I am going leave the recipes I’ve already posted, but you can also find them on foodNURD among others to come!

I hope you’ll all enjoy it.

~ by foodNURD on August 17, 2010.

2 Responses to “Birth of FoodNURD”

  1. I think you should write a series of articles called “Cooking for Chrissy” — in which you pick out a delicious-sounding recipes, cook them for me, and then write about the experience. I could provide the “other side of the story” perspective, and share my experience watching you cook and eating the results. Do you see the potential for awesomeness? 😉

    • Erm. Scratch the “a” before “delicious-sounding recipes” — obviously there would have to be more than one for it to be a series. I was right the second time.

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